Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Houses #13, 14, 15, and 16

House #13 was yet another "yucky house", as Tempe says. I figured there was something wrong with it, because it is on the east hill in Bountiful (a very desirable area) and it was actually in our price range. It had gross carpet, old linoleum, holes and cracks in the walls (and ceiling), and other gross things. We didn't even look at the backyard.

House #14. Isn't it cute? We really liked this one--both of us!! It is in North Salt Lake and it has 4 bedroom and 1 1/2 baths. The living room has nice laminate flooring (if I hadn't told you that, you would have thought it was hardwood!) and the entire upstairs is very nice and would only need some paint. The basement needs a little more work, but has great potential and is very livable until we are able to do some of the projects. The best part about the house is that in the basement, there are 2 unfinished rooms that are fairly large--large enough for an office or craft room. The biggest downside of this house is that there is no garage or carport, but since we have never had a garage or carport, we think we could live with that. The backyard is very big, even with the huge gravel driveway that someone put in. There is plenty of grass and shade and there is a storage shed. We would probably want to either take the gravel out or pave it and add a garage, but that's all down the road. House #14 is one we will definitely think about and maybe make an offer on.

House #15. Nothing special. Needed more work than we want to do. Giant tree. 'Nuff said.

House #16 is in Foxboro, which is a new planned community west of I-15 and near Legacy Highway. The house itself was very nice, except for the hole in the living room floor that a previous owner had cut to make a laundry chute (why would you do that?). The backyard was huge, but unfenced and very blah with nary a tree in sight. But the biggest reason I didn't like this one was location. I just don't see us living in a cookie-cutter planned community. I can't picture it. I don't like Foxboro.

I feel very encouraged!!

