Thursday, January 31, 2008

John Barrasso M.D. sends me his warm regards

Well, I didn't think it got any better than getting a letter from Tom Buchanen, but it looks like it does! Today I got a letter from John Barrasso M.D., Wyoming Senator, congratulating me again on making the President's Honor Roll! I wonder if I will get one from the President of the U.S. as well, or at least the Governor of Wyoming. Jason says he doesn't think so, but he didn't think I'd be getting letters from senators either, did he?
For anyone who is concerned about their tax money going towards my congratulatory letters, don't worry--there is a disclaimer at the bottom of my letter that assures me the letter is not printed at taxpayer expense.
In other news, LOST returns tonight, and Jason and I are pretty excited. More about that later!

