Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"I try really hard, actually."

I have a confession to make... I like the movie Juno. A lot. But that's not the confession. The confession is that part of the reason I like it so much is because my parents don't think it is appropriate. Sorry, Mom and Dad. I guess that I still have a little bit of a rebellious nature left over from my teenage days.
With all the talk of teenage pregnancy pacts and such nowadays, Juno and Knocked Up have taken a lot of abuse. I can't speak for Knocked Up (I haven't seen it, although I admit it looks funny) but it really bothers me when people assume that Juno somehow encourages or glamorizes teen pregnancy. At no point in the movie does Juno express any excitement about being pregnant; in fact, the whole movie is about how hard it is for her to be a pregnant teenager.
Here are some of the things that I like about the movie:

  • It addresses the fact that, however unfair, the burden of pregnancy remains on the girl. She's the one walking around with a big belly. She's the one who has to endure the stares and gossip and dirty looks. The boy is just as responsible for their situation, but he (usually) isn't scrutinized.for 9 months.
  • There {still} seems to be an assumption out there that teenage pregnancy doesn't happen to "nice girls". I think people have a hard time accepting the fact that yes, it happens in all social groups and income brackets. Juno breaks the stereotype. Granted, she comes from a broken home, but she has a good relationship with her stepmother and an exceptionally good relationship with her father.
  • {Most} Adults know better, but a lot of teenagers still believe the myth that you can't get pregnant the first time. Juno did; she got pregnant during her one and only sexual encounter. (Another point that I like--she's not sexually promiscuous. She's an average teenager who made a mistake.)
  • Finally, Juno makes the right decision and she has a family that supports her. Instead of deciding to have an abortion or to raise the child alone, she decides to give her baby up for adoption to a family that can give it what she can't. Isn't that what we, as members of the Church, are counseled to do in this situation? Her parents are understandably upset, but they are supportive of her decision. I only hope that if Jason and I are ever in that situation as parents that we can react with understanding and love and support as Juno's parents did.

So, there you have it. All the reasons that I like Juno.

Oh, I didn't even mention how funny and quirky it is.


Jen said...

I really liked this movie too. I especially loved the music in it...very good! I remember watching Tempe while you guys went and saw this movie :-) ha, ha...fun times!

Jaida Hancock said...

Oh my goodness! Ryan and I both loved Juno too! We just saw it recently and were really pleased with the refreshing view that it took. I mean the sex scene--awkward! That's excellent.

first lady said...

My sis said it was good too. I am bummed I haven't seen it yet. how it utah treating you ?
