Monday, March 17, 2008

Come on, Baby, come on!

Tempe is so excited for her baby sister to get here! She loves babies at church and she loves to take care of her baby dolls--she likes changing their diapers (they all have to wear diapers) and putting them up in her high chair for a snack. I'm sure she will be just as excited to "help" with Baby Sister! Today I put the infant car seat back in the car, and because Tempe still has to be rear facing (she's only 17 pounds), the baby's car seat is right next to hers. She was so excited when I put her in the car and she saw that Baby Sister will be right next to her!

We thought maybe today would be the day, but no such luck. I had false contractions all day long, but they never got regular or more intense. I just kept telling myself that even though it wasn't active labor, the contractions were still productive (hopefully)!

