Saturday, March 8, 2008

You're invited to my pity party

Please join Kate at her pity party!
Date: from now until the baby is born (probably at least 3 more weeks)
Time: all day, every day
Place: mostly the couch or the bed; sometimes the floor
Anyone who has suffered through the last month of pregnancy probably knows how miserable I am by now... my back aches, I get a stitch in my side from this giant lump I'm carrying around, I have sciatic nerve pain that literally stops me in my tracks, I can't breathe, I have heartburn if I even look at the refrigerator, I have to pee all the time, and I feel like my pelvis is about to split in two any second!! Oh, and I keep having contractions that are so intense I can barely hobble around the room.
I've been preparing and hoping for a drugfree childbirth this time, but seriously, I'm so uncomfortable and exhausted now before I've even gone into labor that I don't think I will have the energy to labor without drugs! I guess we'll see in a few weeks.
So until this baby is born, I am going to give in to my misery. I'm going to lay on the couch and eat ice cream; I'm going to get behind on the housework.
I would write more, but I have to lay down. It hurts too much to sit up any longer!


Jen said...

I will join you in your pity party...I love lying on the couch and eating ice cream!:)

I don't really know what it is like to be pregnant, but I'm sure it is umcomfortable. You are so close though to your due date. I know you can do it!! I can hardly wait to see your cute new baby girl. Has Jason picked out a name yet? And if he has, has he told you the name?

Margaret said...

So sorry you are so miserable right now! Hang in there! Only a little while longer!:)

(Thanks for your nice comment on my blog, by the way!)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry your so miserable! it's only a little longer and you know she'll be worth it.
