Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tempe Jo

Yesterday I focused on Jason, and today I want to focus on Tempe (tomorrow will be Lena's turn). Every day that I spend with Tempe, I love her more. I am so proud of the little girl she is becoming. She is spunky, smart, independent, considerate, and loving. The most rewarding part of motherhood is watching her play "mommy"--I must be doing something right if she wants to be like me! Today we were finger painting. I use an old shirt of mine for a smock, and when we were done, she wouldn't let me take it off. She is still wearing it and saying "Tempe is Mommy!" every few minutes.
She has just started saying "I love you", and nothing warms my heart more than hearing her say "I wuv you, Mommy!"

