Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's April, so....

The summit just east of Laramie:
And here is a picture of Sinclair, outside of Rawlins. All of the trucks and cars you see lined up here are waiting for the interstate to reopen. It's been closed for 24 hours.

Oh, Wyoming. There's nothing like you (thankfully). It's weekends like this that make me so glad not to live there anymore!

*I don't want my Wyoming readers to be offended... I mean... seriously, the weather in Wyoming is ridiculous! But I do miss a lot of things about Laramie: the small town feel, all of my great friends, the way the wind howled so cozily outside my bedroom window...


Jen said...

It's totally crazy, isn't it!?! That's Wyoming though. We shouldn't expect anything different in April. I wouldn't mind Laramie if it wasn't for the weather. It is SO cold and SO windy ALL the time. Maybe not all the time, but a good part of the year.

I feel so bad for all of those drivers stuck on the highway. :(

Kate said...

Yeah... some of those drivers are my PARENTS!! That's why I care this weekend :(

Rachel said...

Lol, I looked at those pictures then out my window and it was the same thing! We just look out the window each day to know if the road is opened or not. Saturday was completely crazy! Our car got stuck in a four foot snow drift and took 40 mintutes to get it out! Silly Laramie. I hope your parents made it ok.

Rachel said...

Whoa, that looks reeeeally cold!
