Last week I got unstuck in time, just like Billy Pilgrim in "Slaughterhouse Five".
Or, well, maybe my experience was more like #15 in the outtakes of the Orchid Orientation video from LOST (you can find it on Yeah, I think it was more like that. I didn't actually travel through time--I didn't go to Tralfamadore or anything like that.
It all started when I had to take my final exam for an independent study class. I have to take the tests at a testing center, and so I decided to take the bus to Salt Lake last week and take it at the BYU Salt Lake testing center. I got off the bus and was standing at the corner across from the Triad, waiting for the light to change, when I saw myself come out of the building and walk to the corner!
It looked just like me: blond hair about the same length, a coral-colored shirt just like mine, jeans, a pink and orange shoulder bag!! I almost turned around because I was afraid of what would happen if we crossed paths. But I was curious, so when the light changed, we started walking towards each other. I wondered if I would be able to ask myself how I did on the test.
As we got closer, I realized the girl walking towards me wasn't me in the future after all. Her bag didn't have butterflies on it; it was a floral print. Her hair was lighter and longer than mine.
So I didn't get unstuck in time after all.
7 years ago
That happen to Ben at the DI in Utah. He tought another lady was me.
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