Saturday, March 21, 2009


Lately I have been feeling very frustrated with myself. There are so many things that I want to change and that I don't feel confident about; yet, for some reason, I don't ever change!

I wish I was a nicer person. Sometimes I am just mean. I think mean thoughts and I mutter mean things. I don't want my children to grow up to be mean-spirited like me! I want them to be kind and loving and patient and to remember that everyone has a mommy that loves them. I know that the best way to teach them is by example, and I am afraid that I don't set a very good example for them.
I wish I was more patient with Tempe and Helena (mostly Tempe). 
I wish I was more responsible with our money. I am prone to financial weakness, especially when it comes to food.
I wish I had better priorities. There is so much that requires my attention, things that can only be done while the girls are asleep--yard work, homework, housework... but by the time they go down for their naps, all I want to do is crash in front of the tv. And then I end up feeling guilty that I didn't get as much done as I could have. 
I wish I was more on top of our non-existent food storage.
I wish I had a talent. 
I wish I was better at doing my scripture study, planning family home evening, teaching the girls about the Gospel in our every day life, and doing my visiting teaching.
And those are only the weaknesses I am going to admit--there are more.


Cari said...

Ok, now you need to do a list with as many things as you can think of that you like about yourself. That's the best way I have found to bring myself out of a funk. Chin up, girly, you're pretty amazing in my book.
