Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today I am a little down in the dumps, for more reasons than one, but only one that I am going to share on here: my Adolescent Literature teacher.

She keeps sending back my assignments with biting, sarcastic comments in the margins. Comments that do not help me understand what she would like me to do differently in the next assignment. Comments that are not at all constructive criticism. And even though I know I shouldn't let someone I don't even know get me down... I do! I hate reading what she writes on my assignments. It makes me feel so bad about myself and about the quality of my work. I have always done really well in school--it's my "thing". I'm not good at sports, or art, or music, but I am good at school. So it's really hard for me when I do not do as well as I like to.
Here are some strange things. My first five assignments were all graded 97. Now, all of a sudden, six and seven have been graded 83 and littered with mean comments. But really, I don't think the quality of my work has changed at all. Also, she accidentally graded assignment six as assignment eight and gave me a 97. When I called to point out it was graded as the wrong assignment, she re-graded it and gave me an 83! Isn't that strange?


Margaret said...

Sounds like your Adolescent Literature teacher is acting like an adolescent herself. Sorry she's being so mean.
