Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy birthday, Lena!

Daddy helping Helena stand at the girls' ladybug measuring board.
Today is my baby's birthday. My baby is one year old! How did that happen?? 
Helena is a darling. She loves her big sister and follows her everywhere. She loves to play with things that make noise, like rattles and tambourines. She's a lot like me in that when she is happy, she is very, very happy; and when she's sad, she's very, very sad. She loves attention (hey, also like me) and she screams to let you know when she needs more. She makes everyone love her with her beautiful big smiles, her cute little wave, and her giggles and coos. We are so lucky to have her!
Here is some random trivia about Lena.
Her full name is Helena Louise Anderson. That's Hel-A-Na, not Helen-A. Jason chose her first name (My Chemical Romance, anyone?) and her middle name is after my sister Kelsey and my Grandma Allan. She weighed 6 lb, 8 oz and was 19 inches long when she was born. She was due on April 6th; but was born on March 30th, 2008, after my midwife convinced me to let her break my water. She has three teeth (two on the bottom and one on top) and is finally starting to grow some very fine blond hair. She had a bright red birthmark on the very back of her head when she was born, but it has faded away now, and you can't see it unless I point it out. 
Today we went to the aquarium to celebrate her birthday. She was a little nervous at first, but when I showed her that the fish couldn't swim out and get her, she really enjoyed it. She loved watching the tropical fish swim in their tanks and splashing her hands in the touch pool. (Tempe had fun, too)
Helena's "Springtime" birthday party is next week, so check back for pictures of our real celebration! In the meantime, you can find her official first birthday portraits on my aunt Margaret's blog.
Here are some pictures of us at the aquarium. As usual, Tempe wouldn't look at the camera and Helena is starting to follow in her footsteps. Nooo!!


Jen said...

Happy Birthday Lena!! She is so adorable!! I can't believe she is already ONE. Crazy! Tempe is so cute too.

I still haven't mailed your tile necklace yet. Sorry, I've been a slacker. I will get it in the mail soon though. :)

Denise Faulkner said...

Wow -- I can't believe it! I hope it was a fabulous year with her -- it just goes by so fast, huh!

Rachel said...

Kate, they are seriously adorable! I can't believe how big they are. I remember little baby Helena @ the hotel last year when Josh left on his mission. Wow
