Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Five reasons why I love LOST

1. It's like nothing I've ever seen. Ever. I can guess what's going to happen next all I want, but I'm never right. It's totally unpredictable and doesn't subscribe to the mass media drama formula like most other shows on prime time.

2. There's something for everyone: drama, horror, suspense, comedy, even a little romance (although I wish the writers would drop the stupid love quadrangle).
3. Even with all of the different elements and story lines, in my opinion, the show is about people--their weaknesses and strengths, and the relationships that they form (and in most cases, ruin). What could be better than that?
4. Ben Linus. 'Nuff said.
5. It's a "smart" show. And the best part is that there is an allusion to a great work of literature in nearly every episode--from "The Chronicles of Narnia", to "Animal Farm", to my personal favorite book of all time "Slaughter-House Five". 
So if you already watch LOST, good for you. And if you don't, you should start. Just remember that you have to start at the beginning and watch in order or you won't understand anything that's happening.


Candice said...

You should have done 6 reasons why you love LOST:

6) Sawyer is soooooo hot!

